Deadly Premonition 2 features a dual storyline and a spot of skateboarding

3 years 11 months ago

We're less than a month out from the release of bonkers mystery title Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise. Thanks to a new update on the, more information has been revealed regarding the upcoming sequel's intriguing "Two Cases, One Mystery" narrative.

The first case is set in 2005, (five years before the events of the original game), and sees Special Agent York teaming with the local sheriff's daughter, Patricia Woods, to investigate a grisly multiple murder case in the town of Le Carre, nestled deep in the Louisiana outback. Meanwhile, in 2019, FBI agent Aaliyah Davis and veteran detective Simon Jones are looking into some strange disappearances in the heart of Boston. Could these cases and characters be somehow linked? Well, It's pretty obvious that they are, but it will be the player's task - as both York and Aaliyah - to piece together a grim mystery 14 years in the making.

Deadly Premonition 2 features a dual storyline and a spot of skateboarding screenshot

Chris Moyse