The Cyberpunk 2077 achievements don't make you do anything too crazy

3 years 5 months ago

You may be well aware, but in the unlikely event that you're somehow not: Cyberpunk 2077 releases tomorrow. Technically, that might only be a few hours from now if you're playing on PC, as there's a global launch that hits at 4pm Pacific. On consoles, it's midnight for every region.

We've played some of it. You should check out our Cyberpunk 2077 review-in-progress if you're interested in how it's shaping up. Or, you could just go in blind tomorrow. If you want the low-down on the achievements and trophies, we've got that too, courtesy of Xbox Achievements.

Surprisingly, for a game this big and detailed and long and full, Cyberpunk 2077's achievements don't look too overly complicated. There's nothing wild like necessitating a pacifist run for full completion. You only need to give it one playthrough. There's also nothing missable apart from using your lifepath dialogue option 10 times (and once you know that's a requirement, it'll be very easy to fulfill). For those of you looking for a low-stress time, you should be able to knock this all out on Easy, as there's nothing related to difficulties.

That doesn't mean it'll be quick, though. It kind of looks like you'll have to do everything in Night City to hit the 1000GS or Platinum trophy. Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in each region and then some collectible-seeming stuff adds up to a rather long game. The PowerPyx walkthrough estimates a 60-70 hour completion -- 20ish for critical path story and then another 40-50 for side content.

Now that you achievement and trophy hunters know what you're getting into, prepare to spend a lot of time jacked into the Matrix. This is about the Matrix, right? 

Here's the Cyberpunk 2077 achievement list:

The Cyberpunk 2077 achievements don't make you do anything too crazy screenshot

Brett Makedonski