Birdie Crush really has me jonesing for a new Mario Golf

3 years 4 months ago

It's a great tragedy that with the unstoppable success of the Nintendo Switch, we haven't seen hide nor hair of Mario Golf on the hardware. Mario Tennis made a decent enough comeback following its severe stumble on the Wii U, but there hasn't been a peep out of Nintendo or Camelot Software about Mario's return to the links.

Its absence has been noticed throughout the pandemic. Since I went into work-from-home mode -- or as it's better known, trapped-at-home mode -- I've been putting in some time on the greens with my 3DS and Mario Gold: World Tour. But even with all the purchased DLC, I've been feeling the urge to move onto something new. Maybe that's why I fell so hard for Birdie Crush this past week.

Birdie Crush really has me jonesing for a new Mario Golf screenshot

CJ Andriessen