Final Fantasy 7 Remake Producer Thinks It'd Be a 'Waste' to Not Return to Parasite Eve

4 years 3 months ago

Yoshinori Kitase, the director of the original Final Fantasy 7 and producer of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, thinks "it would be a waste" to not use the game's characters again in some form.

Kitase said this during an interview with Japanese wrestler Kenny Omega for the official Square Enix YouTube channel. Omega brought up the fact that Kitase was the producer for The 3rd Birthday, which was the third and so far final game in the Parasite Eve series, released for PSP in Japan in 2010.

[ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/10/30/the-top-25-scariest-games-of-this-generation"]

Omega then asked Kitase if he would like to see more Parasite Eve in the future. "The characters are very deep and rich, especially Aya Brea," Kitase said. "I don't know of any plans right now, but it would be a waste to not use those characters."

Clearly angling for a remake or another original game in the Parasite Eve series, Omega responded saying that, "horror games are very popular right now, and Parasite Eve had some RPG elements to it. It was very original and unique, so I think now is a good time… Parasite Eve has a very unique game style. There are no games like it right now."

Omega is likely referencing the fact that Capcom has seen a lot of success by remaking horror games such as Resident Evil 2 and the upcoming Resident Evil 3.

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Chris Priestman


Half-Life: Alyx Preview Lets You Visit City 17 in VR Right Now

4 years 3 months ago

If you own a Valve Index VR headset then you can now preview two locations from Half-Life: Alyx. If you don't own one then the good news is that they'll be back in stock next week.

Valve released the two Half-Life: Alyx preview environments through SteamVR Home so all you need to do is download them from there. If you don't own a Valve Index then you can try asking someone who does own one to host a SteamVR Home session for you.

Half-Life: Alyx City 17

The first location is an alleyway inside City 17, the metropolis that was first introduced to the series in Half-Life 2. There are buildings on either side of you so you're going to feel pretty boxed in. However, the main feature can be seen if you look up and to the distance, as you'll be able to spot the towering Citadel looming over you. As Half-Life: Alyx is a prequel, the Citadel is currently in construction, whereas when it's seen in Half-Life 2 it's finished.

Half-Life: Alyx Russell's lab

The second preview environment is Russell's laboratory. Russel is a new character being introduced in Half-Life: Alyx, so not much is known about him except that he's a member of the resistance.

Chris Priestman


God of War Hack Reveals Villain Is Flipping You Off Behind Your Back

4 years 3 months ago

A new camera hack for 2018's God of War has revealed that the game's main villain, Baldur, gives you the middle finger when you can't see him.

Well-known game hacker Lance McDonald - who's previously revealed secrets in P.T., Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3 - has now turned his sights on God of War. He's already revealed one amusing easter egg inside the game that hasn't been seen before.

[ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2018/04/12/god-of-war-review"]

It appears just after the opening fight between Kratos and Baldur. There's a moment when Baldur seems to be defeated, lying limp on top of Kratos, just after the pair have wrestled in the snow. Kratos then pushes Baldur off of him and sends him plunging off a cliffside. It's when Baldur is falling from that great height that McDonald spotted the easter egg.

Using a camera hack, McDonald reveals that Baldur raises both his middle fingers towards Kratos, flipping him off as he plummets. Very fitting for his character.

Chris Priestman


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demo: What We Loved, What We Didn't

4 years 3 months ago
BEYOND! On this week's episode of IGN's weekly PlayStation show, Podcast Beyond!, host Jonathon Dornbush is joined by Brian Altano, Lucy O'Brien, and Max Scoville to offer our thoughts on the Final Fantasy VII Remake demo, along with some of your impressions of the remake's opening. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/03/04/final-fantasy-7-remake-demo-what-we-loved-what-we-didnt-beyond-episode-633"] Plus, we dive into the postponement of GDC, the state of the industry's worries about COVID-19, celebrate the PS2's 20th anniversary, and more. Additionally, we announce our next monthly game to play along with us to look back at the PS4's exclusives library. This month's game is Infamous: Second Son. We'll be playing and then discussing at the end of the month, so be sure to dive back in to the campaign and open world, as we'll be including your thoughts in our retrospective episode. Have a question, comment, Memory Card story, or That One Thing submission? Write in to beyond@ign.com! [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=big-ps4-ps5-games-coming-in-2020&captions=true"] Download or listen to the show on these platforms:
Jonathon Dornbush


How The Batman's Batmobile Draws From the Comics and TV

4 years 3 months ago
The Batman director Matt Reeves has given DC fans another tantalizing glimpse of this upcoming reboot. Reeves tweeted a new series of images that not only feature star Robert Pattinson in full costume, but also standing alongside the new, totally redesigned Batmobile. If the Dark Knight is only as good as the car he drives, this one seems ready to rule the streets of Gotham. Just as we did with Pattinson's Batsuit, we thought it would be fun to take a closer look at this new Batmobile and the ways it seems to draw inspiration from other incarnations of the Batman mythos. From classic comics to fan-favorite TV series, these are all the stories that may have influenced the new Batmobile. Check out the slideshow gallery below or scroll down to learn more. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-batman-how-robert-pattinsons-batmobile-draws-from-the-comics-and-tv-shows&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"]

The '70s and '80s Batmobile

70s BatmobileWhile the new Batsuit seems influenced by both modern, rugged costumes and classic Golden Age designs, the Batmobile itself hearkens back more to the '70s and '80s-era Batman comics and artists like Neal Adams, John Byrne and Jim Aparo. In those days, the Batmobile wasn't the heavily armored tank it's often depicted as now, but a modified sports car.
Jesse Schedeen


Ghostrunner Is Like DOOM Meets Blade Runner, and We're Here For It

4 years 3 months ago
During my weekend in Boston at PAX East I came across countless indie games; from your run-of-the-mill pixel platformers to gorgeous visual novels and everything in between. But, the one game I can't stop thinking about is Ghostrunner. Polish developer One More Level describes it as a "hardcore cyberpunk action game" that stars a lone cyber-warrior trying to survive in a dystopian future. The world is in ruins and society has been relegated to a tower that houses the last remaining survivors of the apocalypse. As you climb upwards throughout the game you'll encounter different enemies and environments while being hunted the entire way. All that stands between you and certain death is a host of powerful cybernetic implants and a deadly blade capable of taking out enemies with a single, well-timed slice. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=over-50-ghostrunner-screenshots&captions=true"] What makes the gameplay so interesting is that any damage you take kills you immediately. So, combat plays out like that of Hotline Miami or SUPERHOT, where every move you make matters. Thankfully, if you do happen to fall, you respawn back at the beginning of each section immediately, which makes dying less punishing. Each section is laid out like a series of platforming puzzles you must meticulously navigate while avoiding enemy fire. While it is certainly challenging, I learned from each death and quickly memorized each section. Ghostrunner combines its frenetic first-person sword combat with incredibly fluid movement. Your character is always running, but you can also slide and wall run similar to Mirror's Edge or Titanfall. Traversing the environments in this way feels buttery smooth and sets you up for some incredibly stylish kills.
Matthew Adler


The Best PS2 Games of All Time

4 years 3 months ago

The PlayStation 2 was a revolutionary console, both in terms of its hardware and massive library of games. It birthed franchises that are still going today, and kept classics alive for future generations to enjoy. With a catalog of almost 2,000 games, there are dozens upon dozens of games that – to this day – remain replayable classics.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the PlayStation 2, here are our picks for the best PS2 games of all time.

[ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/top-10-ps2-games-of-all-time"]

You can see our top 10 picks in the video above, and click through the gallery below or scroll down the page for the full list! [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-best-ps2-games-ever&captions=true"]

25. Guitar Hero II

Guitar Hero may have changed party games for the next decade, but Guitar Hero 2 was the series at its best. GH2 was developed at a time when the core concept of the franchise was "bitchin' rock/metal tracks that are fun to play on a plastic guitar" and not "fun karaoke songs that sort of also have guitars in them, maybe".

Guitar Hero 2 was also the last game in the rhythm-action genre to come out before every music publisher realized how much money there was in it, so Harmonix had its absolute pick of songs. You had Suicidal Tendencies, Megadeth, Danzig, The Rollling Stones, Iron Maiden, Iggy and the Stooges – you name it, it was in there, and it rocked.

IGN Staff


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Rumored Battle Royale Map Reportedly Leaks

4 years 3 months ago
While Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans wait for official confirmation of the rumored Warzone battle royale mode, one more leak has given a new glimpse at what could be its map. As reported by Dexerto, Reddit user and known Call of Duty leaker Senescallo has posted what appears to be the full Warzone map. The map closely matches the leak in November 2019, also by Senescallo, that showed a similar map. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/02/14/new-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-battle-royale-details-reportedly-leaked-ign-news"] The map leak from November was edited by Redditor Kalinine, who marked up that map with potential locations that reference both multiplayer maps and Spec Ops maps. Kalinine estimates Warzone's map will be 8 km², and rumors suggest it could feature up to 200 players, have a "Gulag" feature that would see eliminated players battling it out 1v1 for a chance at a second life, a "Ping" system like Apex Legend's, and many vehicles.
Adam Bankhurst


Sony Names New Head of Santa Monica Studio

4 years 3 months ago
Earlier today, Google announced a brand new video game studio in Playa Vista, California created to develop games exclusively for Stadia. To head up the new studio Google tapped former God of War executive producer Shannon Studstill to lead the new endeavor. As for Santa Monica Studio, PlayStation has announced the new studio head to replace her. In a statement to IGN, Santa Monica Studio has announced Yumi Yang, a 19-year veteran at PlayStation “with an extensive background in product development and heavy involvement across many of Santa Monica Studio’s biggest games,” as the next studio head for its Santa Monica location. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=every-god-of-war-review&captions=true"] “Her project management prowess and meticulous oversight of 2018’s God of War helped the title fully realize its groundbreaking potential,” a spokesperson said in the statement. “After nearly two decades and countless substantial contributions to Santa Monica Studio’s rich legacy, Yumi has the unquestioned respect and trust of her peers. With her vast experience and deep understanding of the studio’s distinct creative DNA, she is perfectly positioned to lead Santa Monica Studio to a bold and exciting future.” Santa Monica Studio’s most recent game was 2018’s God of War which both Yang and Studstill worked on. God of War was a critical success and earned IGN’s 2018 Game of the Year award, along with several other accolades.
Matt Kim


Half Life: Alyx Team Wants to Make More Half-Life Games

4 years 3 months ago
The developers of Half-Life: Alyx want to make more games in the Half-Life series, and they want to make them "a lot sooner than last time." It's not quite 'Half-Life 3 confirmed', but it's probably as close as we've come in the last decade-and-a-half. Speaking to IGN's Ryan McCaffrey in an upcoming episode of IGN Unfiltered, Half-Life: Alyx developers Chris Remo and Robin Walker were asked if, now that Alyx is complete, they were done with Half-Life for the time being, or energised to make more games set in the universe. "I think much more the latter than the former, for sure", explained Remo. "It's really clear that people at the studio really, really like working in this universe, and have really enjoyed making this game. And, like, why wouldn't you, you know? It makes a lot of sense. As someone who's only been [at Valve for] a couple years, it is sort of amazing to come into contact with all this stuff that I recognise so deeply, but see what it means in a modern context. That's incredibly exciting, and paints all kinds of pictures - they're all hazy pictures, I don't know what any of them are, but it feels like people are very excited about the Half-Life universe, for sure." Walker went further: "Yeah, I mean, hopefully everyone likes the game, and they want more of it. I can only really echo what Chris said. We've really enjoyed building this, it was a heck of a lot of fun to go back to and deliver on what, hopefully, everyone wanted from us. I hope we get to build more of it. I hope everyone didn't hate it and now we have to slink away and spend another 13 years trying to figure out what our next shot at the whole thing is. So yes, I hope you see more from us a lot sooner than last time." [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/03/04/half-life-alyx-13-minutes-of-valve-commentary-ign-first"] Neither will say the magic words - 'Half-Life 3' - but it's beginning to feel like we're closer to that near-mythical sequel than ever before.
Joe Skrebels


Former God of War Executive Producer to Head New Google Stadia Dev Team

4 years 3 months ago
Former God of War executive producer Shannon Studstill is set to lead a new Google Stadia Games and Entertainment studio in Playa Vista, California. Announced by Jade Raymond, VP Stadia Games and Entertainment, Studstill's studio will "focus on delivering exclusive games, using new gameplay mechanics, creative ways to play together and unique interaction models that we’re just starting to explore. While we’re not ready to share specific game plans yet, rest assured we are listening to what gamers want and adding our own Stadia twists to create new IP and experiences." [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/12/31/should-i-buy-stadia"] "I’ve been a fan of Shannon’s for a long time, and have admired her award-winning work leading Sony’s Santa Monica Studio and the industry defining franchises like God of War that have won fans all over the world," Raymond said. "She has an extensive background in product development and creative leadership, but most importantly, she’s a visionary who, as the Studio Director, will lead and inspire the Playa Vista teams. We are thrilled to welcome her to the Stadia family!" Studstill has been in the games industry since 1995, where she was a model/texture artist for Agile Warrior F-111X.
Adam Bankhurst


Preorder Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX and Save $5 with Prime

4 years 3 months ago
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is set to release exclusively for Nintendo Switch on March 6, 2020. A remake of a pair of handheld roguelikes from 2006, this new version will offer the same dungeon-exploring gameplay, but with stylish new graphics that look almost hand-drawn. It also sports a handful of new features, including the ability to add Pokemon you find in world to your team. And, if you're an Amazon Prime member, you can save $5 by preordering now. It's not much, but it's better than nothing!

Preorder Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX

[poilib element="commerceCta" json="%7B%22image%22%3A%7B%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fassets1.ignimgs.com%2F2020%2F01%2F10%2Fpokemon-mystery-dungeon-rescue-team-dx1578680225045.jpg%22%2C%22styleUrl%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fassets1.ignimgs.com%2F2020%2F01%2F10%2Fpokemon-mystery-dungeon-rescue-team-dx1578680225045_%7Bsize%7D.jpg%22%2C%22id%22%3A%225e18bfa5e4b065e1d37b5597%22%7D%2C%22url%22%3A%22http%3A%2F%2Fr.zdbb.net%2Fu%2Fbl4m%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22Pokemon%20Mystery%20Dungeon:%20Rescue%20Team%20DX%22%2C%22store%22%3A%22Amazon%22%2C%22additionalInfo%22%3A%22%22%2C%22ourPick%22%3Afalse%7D"] On top of that, you'll find options aimed at making things easier for young kids and newcomers. For instance, you can automate moving through levels, if that's the kind of thing you'd like to do. Roguelikes are known for being challenging, after all.
Chris Reed


Mystery Star Wars Game Seemingly Leaks on PSN

4 years 3 months ago
Star Wars: Project Maverick has seemingly leaked on the European PlayStation Network - and it appears to be an unannounced game. Posted by Twitter bot PSN Releases, and posted on ResetEra by user soulzonic, it appears a listing was created for the game on the European PSN backend, with a logo image attached (below). While that listing won't appear on the public store, its details can still be scraped by services like this bot - these "hidden" listings have also recently outed the likes of Resident Evil 3, ahead of their official announcement. We've never heard of Project Maverick before, and it appears this is an early listing for a completely unannounced project. ESQxtoWXsAA4Y4MThe presence of a tiny group of X-Wings flying towards a Star Destroyer in the logo image has led some to speculate that this is a dogfighting game in the vein of the classic X-Wing or Rogue Squadron games. Last month, we heard that EA had canceled a Star Wars game, codenamed Viking, in 2019, but that a "smaller, more unusual project" was still in the works at EA Motive in Montreal - it's possible this is Project Maverick. Star Wars games have been having a rough time in recent years: Amy Hennig & Visceral Games' project, codenamed Ragtag, was canceled.
Joe Skrebels


Call of Duty: Mobile's Zombies Mode Being Removed as It's Not Good Enough

4 years 3 months ago

The Zombies mode in Call of Duty: Mobile is being removed on March 25 due to it not meeting the quality standards of the game's developer.

"We had always mentioned it was limited but with no explicit end-date," writes the Call of Duty: Mobile developer in the latest community update. "We wanted to see the reception, see the feedback, and see how we can potentially shape the mode for the future. However, the mode just didn't reach the level of quality that we desire."

[ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/10/09/call-of-duty-mobile-review"]

The developer goes on to say that the the Zombies mode may return to Call of Duty: Mobile in the future, but only when it's of a "high enough quality." If and when it does return, it may also arrive with the global release of the mode's second map, Nacht Der Untoten.

For now, the Call of Duty: Mobile developer is looking to focus on the game's multiplayer, battle royale, and ranked modes. As such, a new Battle Pass arrived on March 1 that lets you earn new character Soap (from Call of Duty 4), along with new weapons and new equipment.

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There's also a new multiplayer map called Cage, which is designed for close-quarters combat, and while being a three-lane map has a verticality to it that can give risk-taking players an advantage. The developer has also confirmed that Hardpoint will now be a permanent game mode rather than just a limited-time mode.

Chris Priestman


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Is Now Available on Mobile

4 years 3 months ago

PlayStation classic Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has been released on mobile all of a sudden and completely without warning.

The iOS and Android port costs $2.99 / £2.99 and comes with touchscreen controls, with revamped menus to boot, but is said to be fully compatible with controllers. It also has a new continue feature - which probably means you don't have to wait an age every time you die as you're sent back to the title screen.

[ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2015/10/11/history-of-awesome-castlevania-symphony-of-the-night"]

It seems this mobile port is based on the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 4 versions of Symphony of the Night, rather than the original PlayStation 1 version. That means it has a completely new script and voice acting that, unfortunately, doesn't have the iconic line, "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!"

It also has extra familiars, new credits music, a boss fight against Maria, and Maria is playable. Everything else is pretty much the same as the 1997 original. The timing of this couldn't be better as Castlevania Season 3 arrives on Netflix on March 5.

[widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=netflixs-castlevania-every-actor-and-character-confirmed-for-season-3&captions=true"]

Chris Priestman


Hideo Kojima Shows Off Death Stranding Photo Mode

4 years 3 months ago

Hideo Kojima has provided a first look at the photo mode that will be available as part of the PC version of Death Stranding.

He shared footage of the photo mode in a Twitter video that, unfortunately, isn't of the greatest quality. What can be seen in the low-res video is that Death Stranding's photo mode will work much like many other photo modes in other games.

Chris Priestman


Ori and the Will of the Wisps Is Fantastic So Far

4 years 3 months ago
Two of our crew have played the first couple hours of Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and they have nothing but good news to report. Plus: GDC's cancellation, Xbox Series X's Quick Resume feature is even better than we thought, and more! Subscribe on any of your favorite podcast feeds, or grab an MP3 download of this week's episode. For more awesome content, check out the latest episode of IGN Unfiltered, featuring an interview with DOOM Eternal director Hugo Martin and executive producer Marty Stratton: [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/02/19/dooms-long-road-back-to-greatness-with-doom-eternal-director-hugo-martin-and-marty-stratton-ign-unfiltered-48"] It's already an incredibly fun year of Xbox coverage, and the best is yet to come. Join us! [poilib element="accentDivider"] Ryan McCaffrey is IGN’s Executive Editor of Previews. Follow him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan, catch him on Unlocked, and drop-ship him Taylor Ham sandwiches from New Jersey whenever possible.
Ryan McCaffrey


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Tomogunchi Virtual Pet Is Now Available

4 years 3 months ago
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Tomogunchi virtual pets are now available and allow players to wear a cute dog, panda, ghost, and more on their wrist that each have moods and can all evolve depending on how you perform in-game. Revealed by Activision through a fictional Rothwynn Industries paid advertisement, these new Tomogunchi can be purchased in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare store for 1,000 CP or $10 USD, and must be equipped to use. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/03/03/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-tomogunchi-virtual-pet-trailer"] When you first join a match with the Tomogunchi equipped, it will appear as an egg ready to hatch. Shortly thereafter, a new baby Tomogunchi will emerge as your new best friend. By taking care of its needs, you will be able to grow it into a Child, a Teen, and a full Adult. Rothwynn also teases there may be "multiple pet forms and options to discover." Pressing the d-pad up or the up-arrow key will allow players to use the "Watch Interact" gesture and check up on your Tomogunchi. By doing so, you will be able to see its four faces that represent its emotional states - Hungry, Dirty, Unruly, and Sleepy. These faces will only appear when your one of your pet's needs must be met. Kills, Objective Scoring, Killstreaks, and Wins all lead to a happy Tomogunchi.
Adam Bankhurst


Unboxing the Final Fantasy VII Remake Cloud vs Sephiroth TCG Starter Set

4 years 3 months ago
With the upcoming release of the Final Fantasy VII Remake game, the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game showcases some of your favorite characters in the latest Cloud Vs Sephiroth Two-Player starter set. That's right! The set has two new decks, so you can duke it out Final Fantasy-style with a buddy. What's great about this starter set is that it has some rare cards that will be great for the upcoming competitive scene when the 11th set, Soldier's Return, releases. It won't be tough to find those cards with this set, so the barrier to entry is a little easier.
Mike Mamon


The Best Games on Nintendo Switch

4 years 3 months ago
With so many games, it can be hard to pick a new title for your collection. We've made it easy: Here are the best Nintendo Switch games you can get today.
Jon Ryan


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Voice Cast On Living Up To Fan Expectation

4 years 3 months ago
The long-awaited Final Fantasy 7 Remake is right around the corner and we're eager to revisit Midgar once again. To hold you over until then, a demo is now available on PSN allowing you to play through the iconic Mako Reactor 1 mission and experience the opening sequence of events. PAX East 2020 just wrapped and I had the pleasure of sitting down with some of the voice cast for the upcoming remake to discuss their experiences bringing new voices to such iconic characters. During the interview, we spoke with Briana White (who will be voicing Aerith Gainsborough), Britt Baron (voice of Tifa Lockhart), Erica Lindbeck (voice of Jessie), and Gideon Emery (voice of Biggs). [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=final-fantasy-7-remake-over-100-screenshots&captions=true"] All four individuals I spoke with have vastly different careers when it comes to voice acting in video games. Some have been providing voice over work for characters for many years, while others come from more of an acting background. Interestingly enough, Briana White's role as Aerith is her first foray into video game voice work. With a career in acting, White said this is "absolutely one of the most challenging things [she's] done." White's not a stranger to video games, though, having spent "1,000 hours at least" playing multiple characters in Final Fantasy XIV.
Matthew Adler


DuckTales: Remastered Is Back on Digital Stores After Its Removal

4 years 3 months ago
Following its removal from digital storefronts in 2019, DuckTales: Remastered is once again available for purchase on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One (via Backwards Compatibility), Wii U, and Steam. Capcom revealed the news without any explanation of why it was originally removed, but fans of Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie now have the perfect excuse to jump back into the remaster of the 1989 NES classic. DuckTales: Remastered was originally released by WayForward in 2013 and, in our review, we said "DuckTales: Remastered is a worthy purchase for those who have experience with the original and are looking for a nostalgia rush. Just temper your expectations, because DuckTales simply isn’t as good as you probably remember." [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2013/08/12/ducktales-remastered-video-review"] If that isn't enough DuckTales for you, don't forget that you can jump into Minecraft and play the official DuckTales-themed DLC that includes skins, quests, the city of Duckburg, the halls of McDuck Manor, and much more. The new DuckTales TV series was also renewed for a third season, even though no date has been revealed. Until then, you can watch the cast read an Avengers: Endgame scene in-character. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=minecraft-ducktales&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story?
Adam Bankhurst


Quantum League Is the Most Unique Shooter I've Played in Years

4 years 3 months ago
Quantum League is a fantastic feeling, incredibly unique arena shooter centred around time paradoxes. The problem you (and I) are going to have right now is that it’s incredibly hard to explain why it’s so good, unless you’re actually playing it. Here are some of my early attempts to sum it up:
  • ‘It’s a 3v3 game where you play as all 3 team members.’
  • ‘What if Primer was a shooter?’
  • ‘An FPS that takes its main inspiration from racing game ghost modes.’
  • ‘What if the decoy holograms from Halo could kill you, and each other?’
  • ‘A PvP game where your greatest weapon is time itself. Also a grenade launcher.’
  • ‘Imagine if the photo from Back to the Future was of a laser tag team.’
  • ‘Remember Looper? Well pretend Joseph Gordon-Levitt had become a murderous future-gladiator, instead of spending all that time in a boring f**cking farmhouse at the end.’
It’s become clear to me that a pithy sentence isn’t going to do it. Let me try and explain in a bit more detail, because Quantum League is absolutely worth the headache. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/03/03/a-full-match-of-quantum-league-time-travel-fps"] In its 1v1 variant, here’s how a game of Quantum League goes: you begin the match by picking one of five weapons, and you have 15 seconds to kill the opposing player, end up standing on a control point, or both. Simple enough, yes? There’s one extra wrinkle in that, if your health bar is reduced to zero, you’re “desynced”, not killed, and can continue playing as a ghost, unable to affect the world but still registering actions. We’ll get back to that in a second. After that first round, time rewinds to the beginning of those 15 seconds. You pick a weapon again, and play the same round again – except your first round’s play has been recorded, and you’re now a team of two alongside your past self.
Joe Skrebels


It's Football Day: Episode 8

4 years 3 months ago
The Firm™ are back for last one rodeo. Dale delves deep into the life and times of Anointed Mason-Smith. Joe has been finding life hard since his move from Madrid to Rochdale. And Cardy sets the sun on his time on Tyneside. It's goodbye for now, but you never know when The Firm™ will strike next (in the summer probably). It's Football Day: Episode 8 To see why we care quite so much, check out our review of Football Manager 2020, which we call "a fine excuse to delve back into a perennially addictive series." [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=21-football-manager-2020-screenshots&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"]
Simon Cardy


Horror Game Darq to Get Free DLC This Week as a Thank You to Fans

4 years 3 months ago
Horror-puzzle game Darq will get free DLC this Friday, March 6, as a thank you to fans that supported the game when it launched last August. Darq made headlines in the lead up to its launch last year because the company behind the game, Unfold Games, turned down an Epic Games Store exclusivity deal from Epic. According to game's director, Wlad Marhulets, the eventual launch was turbulent, and the new DLC, dubbed The Tower, is being added for free as a thank you to fans that supported the game during that time. "It's a free DLC offering about 30 mins of new content, a way of saying 'thank you' to the players who supported the game during the turbulent launch," Darq director Wlad Marhulets told IGN. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="legacyId=20061112&captions=true"] Speaking about the Epic Games Store deal Unfold Games turned down on a Medium blog post, Marhulets explained that three days after sharing a trailer that revealed the game's Steam launch date to be August 15, 2019, an Epic representative approached him about an exclusivity deal. Marhulets said that pulling the game from a Steam launch right after announcing it would be coming to Steam would have forever ruined the credibility of Unfold Games. "I like money, and getting some upfront payment on top of guaranteed revenue sounds great," Mahulets said. "But although I'm a first time developer, I'm very serious about working in this industry for a very long time.
Wesley LeBlanc


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Cuts $5,000,000 Stretch Goal, 4 Years After Hitting It

4 years 3 months ago

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night won't be getting the Roguelike Dungeon mode that was promised after it was unlocked as a stretch goal during its Kickstarter campaign.

In a Kickstarter update, the game's director Koji Igarashi said a Roguelike mode will not be possible as "the code that was created early in the game’s development is not currently compatible with this type of gameplay (especially a procedurally generated castle)."

[ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/06/26/bloodstained-ritual-of-the-night-review"]

The Roguelike Dungeon mode was a $5,000,000 stretch goal that was reached in June 2015 during Bloodstained's Kickstarter campaign. The mode would have used procedural generation to create a new castle for players to beat each time they played. "Once you’ve explored its passages and defeated its boss, you’ll get a code that will enable you to share your randomly generated dungeon with a friend," reads the official description of the mode.

Igarashi and his development team at ArtPlay have apologised for not fulfilling the planned feature but will be replacing it with a Randomizer mode. "Before starting a game, players can choose up to eight different game parameters to be randomized during the playthrough," the developer explains.

Players can choose to shuffle around items, chests, quests, shops, enemy drops, save and warp rooms, crafting results, and which boss ends the game. ArtPlay says that there will be safeguards on certain items, however, so that players don't encounter a situation in which they are unable to complete the game.

Chris Priestman


BAFTA Games 2020 Nominations Announced

4 years 3 months ago

The nominations for the BAFTA Games 2020 Awards have been revealed. IGN's Game of the Year winner Control has the joint-most number of nominations at 11, alongside Death Stranding, which is IGN's Best PS4 Exclusive of 2019. Disco Elysium, which is IGN's Best PC Game of 2019, has been nominated for seven awards.

11 is the highest number of nominations any single game has received since the standalone BAFTA Game awards began in 2004. That high number is helped along by the new award categories this year, which are Animation, Technical Achievement, Best Performer in a Leading Role, and Best Performer in a Supporting Role.

[ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/08/26/control-review"]

The winner of the EE Mobile Games of the Year award is decided by the public. So if you want to, cast your vote for either Assemble with Care, Call of Duty: Mobile, Dead Man’s Phone, Pokémon Go, Tangle Tower, or What the Golf?.

The winners will be announced on April 2, 2020, and you'll be able to tune into BAFTA's Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube channel to watch it all happen live. As previously announced, Hideo Kojima will receive the BAFTA Fellowship on the night.

The full list of nominations for the BAFTA Games 2020 Awards are below.

Chris Priestman


Mario Kart Tour Gets Online Multiplayer on March 8

4 years 3 months ago
Multiplayer functionality is coming to Mario Kart Tour on Sunday, March 8. Nintendo announced on Twitter that the update will go live at 8 p.m. Pacific / 11 p.m. Eastern. That's 3 a.m. UK time and 2 p.m. in Sydney on Monday, March 9. Mario Kart Tour's multiplayer mode will let players compete against seven other players, including in-game friends, nearby players, or people from around the world. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="legacyId=20100633&captions=true"] There are three different ways to race against other players in Mario Kart Tour. Playing with friends or local players allows you to choose your own rules, while playing online in Standard Races will let you compete in 100cc races to improve your profile's letter grade ranking. The final mode is Gold Races, which is exclusive for Mario Kart Tour Gold Pass subscribers. This mode features competitive races in the 150cc and 200cc categories. As for course selection, the online mode will include three courses from a featured cup in the current tour.
Logan Plant


9 Sequels That Would Make PS5 a Force to Reckon With

4 years 3 months ago
While Sony has begun to slowly reveal the PS5’s feature set, and a fancy new logo, we still know very little about the PlayStation 5’s games lineup, particularly what exclusives might be on the way. That said, there are plenty of follow-ups to PS4 exclusives we want to see on the PS5, ranging from sure bets to pipe dreams to chances for franchises to do it better the second time around. Below, we’ve picked eight unannounced sequels that would sing on the PS5. Shout out your own picks in the comments. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=9-sequels-that-would-make-ps5-a-force-to-reckon-with&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"]

Bloodborne 2

FromSoftware may have moved on from Bloodborne (for now), but the developer’s fans certainly haven’t. With each new FromSoft game come questions of a would-be Bloodborne sequel that would return fans of the Soulsborne genre to its nightmarish universe. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2015/03/27/bloodborne-review"] Take, for example, the first teasers for Sekiro — the immediate assumption, or hope perhaps in retrospect, was that it suggested a Bloodborne sequel was on the way.
Jonathon Dornbush


Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Review

4 years 3 months ago

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem gives me a lot of reasons to want to love it on one hand, and several reasons why I can’t on the other. The action RPG gameplay is respectable and even ahead of the class in some areas. The dark fantasy story isn’t especially groundbreaking, though it is told with plenty of endearing flair and enthusiasm. But all of that doesn’t count for too much when you’re as likely to lose a boss fight because of bugs as you are to being smashed by a hellbeast as intended.

TJ Hafer


Half-Life: Alyx – Watch 3 New Gameplay Trailers

4 years 3 months ago
Our March IGN First game (think of it as IGN's monthly magazine-style "cover story") is Half-Life: Alyx, the long, looooooong-awaited new entry in the legendary Half-Life series. The first-person shooter is going VR this time around, and you're about to see why that's cool. The first video below is our first exclusive piece of Alyx content for the month: a nine-minute gameplay video from early in the campaign, when you first encounter zombies and headcrabs. Take a look: [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/03/02/half-life-alyx-9-minutes-of-gameplay-ign-first"] And here are the three trailers Valve also released today. The first covers some of the same ground our exclusive video does (though it is a different playthrough). The second video, meanwhile, shows off Alyx using grenades as well as what happens when Xen begins to infiltrate City 17. And the third video is a tense, hectic firefight with Combine soldiers that gives you a look at the shotgun. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/03/02/half-life-alyx-official-gameplay-trailer-1-subway"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/03/02/half-life-alyx-official-gameplay-trailer-2-xen-infestation"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/03/02/half-life-alyx-official-gameplay-trailer-3-combine-shootout"] Half-Life: Alyx will be released for PC-based VR platforms on March 23. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Ryan McCaffrey is IGN’s Executive Editor of Previews. Follow him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan, catch him on Unlocked, and drop-ship him Taylor Ham sandwiches from New Jersey whenever possible.
Ryan McCaffrey


Our Hands-On Preview of Destroy All Humans at PAX East 2020

4 years 3 months ago
We got a chance to go hands-on with the upcoming Destroy All Humans remake at PAX East, giving us our first look at the game since late last year, and we've harvested plenty of new details. It's been almost 15 years since Destroy All Humans originally released, but with an estimated release date later this year, you won't have to wait much longer to get your hands on the remake. Developer Black Forest Games have already explained its vision is to create “not a remake, but a remake of what people remember it being,” and in doing so have expanded many aspects of it while still remaining faithful to the original. One of the first major differences I noticed was the world is much more open than the original. Sure, you're still given small missions to fulfill, but once completed, the world is yours to explore until you decide to leave. This allows you to wreak as much havoc as you'd like to, and really enjoy the sandbox environments. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=destroy-all-humans-pax-east-2020-new-screenshots&captions=true"] While all 22 of the original story missions are present, there is a small surprise in store. A mission 13.5 has been added, something Black Forest Games discovered in the archives of the original 2005 release that has never been playable before. In an effort to be more inclusive, the team also added a number of African-American characters, as none were present in the original game. All of Crypto-137's abilities from the original are present including the Zap-o-Matic, Disintegration Ray, Ion Detonator, and yes, even the Anal Probe. This time around, however, abilities can be mixed and matched in fun and unique ways.
Matthew Adler
