May 2021

Unreal Engine 5 demo's robot dabs if you input the Konami code

3 years ago

Games have all kinds of hidden secrets, and few are as infamous as the Konami code. It's so pervasive that it's become the input to trigger Easter eggs in other games, and even demos like one for Unreal Engine 5.

Discovered by Jon Terp and shared on social media, and confirmed by an Unreal engineer at Epic, inputting the Konami code during the UE5 demo Valley of the Ancients makes its giant robot dab. And it dabs a lot

Unreal Engine 5 has been pretty remarkable to see in motion already, but this adds another layer. Hopefully someone ends up recreating this moment in Dreams as well.

Eric Van Allen

Strangeland - Review in 3 Minutes

3 years ago

In this 3 Minute Review, The Escapist's Jesse Galena covers Strangeland, a dark point-and-click adventure from Wormwood Studios, the team behind Primordia. I have a phobia of creepy carnivals.

There's only so much time each week to check out new games, much less play them — much less fully review them! — and inevitably, plenty of interesting games are destined to slip through the cracks as many of us move onto the next shiny thing. To supplement Destructoid's usual coverage, we're teaming up with our sister site The Escapist to fill in some of these gaps with their helpful 3 Minute Reviews.

Strangeland - Review in 3 Minutes screenshot

Jordan Devore

Microsoft Flight Simulator patch brings down its base file size

3 years ago

Video games are big, and they've kept getting bigger. So it's always nice to see devs find ways to make a reduction in their storage imprint like the Microsoft Flight Simulator team has with v1.16.2.0.

In its release notes for an update on May 25, the Microsoft Flight Simulator team notes it has performed some optimizations for the initial full download of the game. Now, the base game should be only 83 GB in size, rather than over 170 GB.

That's a boon for anyone trying to save on storage space right now, especially as storage solutions can be fraught. Microsoft Flight Simulator hasn't hit the Xbox Series X or S just yet, but when it does, having a smaller impact on the file storage will be pretty handy. Those expansion cards don't grow on trees, you know.

Eric Van Allen

Gamer Girl Spotlight: PikaChulita

3 years ago

Twitch partner Katie Robinson, who streams games as PikaChulita, is a vocal Womanist and advocate for diversity in gaming. She’s a Black Girl Gamers team member, and has been quoted and interviewed for sites like The Verge and Gayming Magazine. After coming across her engaging streams and Twitter, I reached out to Robinson for the first installment of Gamer Girl Spotlight, a series highlighting women doing great things in gaming.

Keep reading for Robinson’s thoughts on activism, what the gaming community needs to change, and her advice to anyone too intimidated by the seemingly male-dominated gaming space.

Gamer Girl Spotlight: PikaChulita screenshot

Ashley Bardhan

Painting puzzle adventure Chicory: A Colorful Tale launches in June

3 years ago

A fresh coloring book is a daunting enough challenge. Imagine an entire world just waiting for you to get a move on and start tackling all those empty spaces. Puzzle-y platforming adventure Chicory: A Colorful Tale has been drawn up by Greg Lobanov formerly of Wandersong, and has just filled in its own release date. Not to worry though, use whatever colors you like when it launches in June. The world is your coloring book.

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Lauren Morton

Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?

3 years ago

Something wicked this way comes. It starts with an "E" and it ends with a "3". Except it doesn't end, because that is the way of modern gaming media. What was once a half-week of constant excitement, reveals, news drops, and hard work has become a drawn out, months-long gala of constant streams, hours dedicated to individual games, and 160-minute PC showcases.

Still, it's hard not to feel the vibe as we approach gaming's biggest week. Who knows what we will see? I guess it comes down to what you want to see. Regardless, the best part of E3 is spending it with y'all, and we hope that this year you'll join us in the comments once again with your takes on this year's industry offerings. You'll make it all worth the effort. You always do.

Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid? screenshot

Chris Moyse

Grounded to get "larger and slightly less frequent" updates from now on

3 years ago

Grounded will get "larger and slightly less frequent" updates from now on, developer Obsidian has said.

After a period of radio silence, the developer issued an update on its survival game, which launched in early access form in July last year.

"We are approaching the one-year mark from the game preview / early access launch and we still have so much that we want to do for the game," Obsidian said.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator patch reduces download from over 170GB to 83GB

3 years ago

A new Microsoft Flight Simulator patch has reduced the game's initial full download from over 170GB to 83GB.

In the patch notes for Sim Update 4, aka patch, the development team said it had performed optimisations for the initial full download of Microsoft Flight Simulator so the base game is 83GB instead of over 170GB.

It's good news to see the game's download halved, although 83GB is still a chunky old effort.

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Scavengers will today test up to 5000 players in a shared environment

3 years ago

Scavengers will today test up to 5000 players in a shared environment.

The recently-released sci-fi survival battle royale hybrid has an experimental sandbox testing platform built into the game called ScavLab, and it's in this that the test will take place tonight, from 7pm UK time.

This first public ScavLab event will allow thousands of players to gather together in a single, shared in-game communal hub. Developer Midwinter plans competitive sports mini-games, large-scale combat, as well as a live, digital AMA with CEO and co-founder Josh Holmes.

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"A true visionary": tributes to Syberia creator Benoît Sokal, who has died aged 66

3 years ago

Benoît Sokal, creator of the Syberia series, has died aged 66.

French video game company Microids said in a blog post that Sokal passed away on 28th May after battling a long-term illness.

Belgian comic book artist Sokal is perhaps best known in the world of video games for creating the Syberia adventure games. But his first game for Microids was 1999 adventure Amerzone, which was based on Sokal's popular 1986 Inspector Canardo comic strip L'Amerzone .

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Creative Assembly faces backlash over decision to end support for Total War: Three Kingdoms

3 years ago

Creative Assembly is facing a vociferous backlash over its decision to end support for Total War: Three Kingdoms.

This week the British developer announced it had wrapped up work on Total War: Three Kingdoms with the 1.7.1 patch. No more DLC or patches will be released for the game, which broke series records upon launch in May 2019.

Total War: Three Kingdoms saw seven DLC releases over the course of two years, but many fans feel Creative Assembly quit the game too early - and before the release of a promised expansion that would build out the north of the map.

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PS5 exclusive Destruction AllStars to get online bots

3 years ago

PlayStation 5 exclusive Destruction AllStars will get online bots.

In an update on the Destruction AllStars subreddit, developer Lucid outlined features due out for the action driving game. Chief among them is the addition of online bots.

Lucid acknowledged that the size of Destruction AllStars' community, spread out as it is across the world, means the game has peak times and low times of player activity for online matchmaking. The peaks tend to be around 5pm to 11pm UK time during weekdays, and 3pm to 2am UK time on the weekend.

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Here's Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown's roster in all their boxy, retro glory

3 years ago

Earlier in the week, we revealed that Sega's upcoming slugger Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown was getting an amusing DLC bundle, offering players the opportunity to play as the entire Virtua Fighter 5 clan in a fashion recalling their old-school, polygonal roots.

The "Legendary Pack" DLC, which launches June 1 for $10, features two skins for each of VF 5's pugilists, reflecting each character's P1 and P2 regalia. Best of all, latter-day characters such as Brad Burns and El Blaze also receive VF 1-style skins, giving us a glimpse of what might have been had they appeared in the formative projects of Sega AM2.

For funsies, I took an in-game shot of every roster member sporting the new skins. They all look pretty great and some, such as Brad Burns and Vanessa, have two distinctly different looks to choose from. Sadly, the faces are not animated, so we don't get to see Lau's creepy, eyebrow-raising sneer. The Legendary Pack also includes an option to replace the redesigned U.I. with that of the original release in this classic series. Now all we need are a full range of Figmas. Make it happen, Good Smile Co.!

Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown launches June 1 on PS4. It will be included in June's PlayStation Plus selection, or can be purchased separately for $30, which includes the DLC.

Here's Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown's roster in all their boxy, retro glory screenshot

Chris Moyse

E3 can never die - not really

3 years ago

For the past few years, a speculative question has been buzzing around as we get closer and closer to summer: Is E3 dying? By the mid-2010s, game studios started to pull their booths and presentations out from under the E3 banner because of costs, and the event started selling tickets to the public when it was usually known for being more exclusive for those in the industry. The writing was on the walls that something was up, and the global pandemic causing cancellations of any in-person events seemed like the final nail in the coffin.

Now that E3 2021 is finally here, it got me reflecting a lot on my own experience — I was able to attend the convention for the first and only time in 2018, when my career in games was just beginning, and I didn't quite yet know what I was getting myself into.

I started getting back into gaming again when I was in college, and attending E3 immediately became a new bucket-list item for me. Part of that was because I felt so isolated in my small town and going all the way across the country was a huge deal, but also because in any coverage I saw of the event... it just looked so cool. The lights, the game demos, the booths — not to mention the presentations with huge, roaring audiences, were more excitement than I had seen in my entire childhood.

E3 can never die - not really screenshot

Noelle Warner


3 years ago

After taking a week off, Snapshots is back. And to make up for the week off, I’ve included more screenshots than usual! Turns out, when you skip a week, you miss a bunch of awesome screenshots. If it’s your birthday, consider it a nice birthday present. Your welcome!


Zack Zwiezen


Roguelite strategy Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Storm Ground is out now

3 years ago

My default response when I see a Warhammer fantasy game is, "Oh, another Warhammer fantasy game." So it was with the release of Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground a few days ago. Then a friend explained that it was a turn-based strategy game about combining your units' abilities in careful ways, to shove and ensnare your enemies. Like Into The Breach but with ghosts and chaos gods, maybe?

In any case, it's out now and I'm going to give it a go.

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Graham Smith