Every Easter Egg in How I Met Your Father Season 2 So Far

1 year 1 month ago

While HIMYF has been growing into its own thing, the show doesn’t ignore its origins, so throughout season 2, there are still many HIMYM callbacks that certainly leave the fans happy. From cameos to references or just vibes, here is every Easter egg we’ve spotted in the second season of How I Met Your Father so far. Did you notice them all?

02×01 – Barney Cameo

Neil Patrick Harris is not the first from the original gang to appear in the spin-off but it looks like his presence won’t be a one-time thing. During the season 2 premiere, the fans got to see a flash-forward where Sophie has hit rock bottom. She’s sending a voice message to her mother while driving through the suburbs, asking her to call her back because she thinks she’s dating her father, when she hits a vehicle.

Besides having a license plate “LGNDRY” we get to see Barney as he exclaims his iconic “Dude!”. In the future, when Sophie’s son asks about Barney, she says “we’ll get there soon enough” which makes it clear that we’ll see the likes of him again. It’s still to be understood under what conditions: as a kid’s father, as president/worker of Goliath National Bank?

It’s interesting that this moment took place when it did, seeing that just like Barney, Sophie also doesn’t know who her father is.

02×03 – Rando Is Familiar

Every Easter Egg in How I Met Your Father Season 2 So Far
Image Source: Hulu

How I Met Your Mother was all about storytelling, but after decades, details begin to slip into oblivion, that’s just how memory works. That’s what happened with Blah Blah, someone from Ted’s past whose name he doesn’t recall. In HIMYM style Blah Blah even joked “I’m just some random girl to make Robin jealous and after she takes you back, you probably won’t even remember my name!”.

Well, Valentina also had a forgettable date with a “Rando” man, and besides his name, Sophie can’t remember his face, thus, we get an emoji story. While not a copy of the original, it definitely has the same tone.

02×03 – Object Gone Missing

Every Easter Egg in How I Met Your Father Season 2 So Far
Image Source: Hulu

We all remember the legendary yellow umbrella that kept disappearing until it magically connected Ted and Tracy. Sophie puts the photograph she took of Jesse on top of the back of a taxi, and in a moment of distraction, the taxi drives away and takes it.

We know she’ll retrieve it as she has it in her future apartment, but how it will come to happen is another mystery just like the father’s identity. Of course, this parallel screams father vibes, but maybe it would be too obvious to replicate the formula.

02×05 – Sandy Rivers Cameo

Every Easter Egg in How I Met Your Father Season 2 So Far
Image Source: Hulu

Sandy Rivers is the sixth cameo on HIMYF and the second this season. From co-anchoring with Robin at Metro News 1 and World Wide News, by the end of HIMYM it is revealed that, after workplace misconduct claims, his career in the US is over and he’s exiled to Moscow.

He appears in HIMYF, before these events, interviewing Meredith and Jesse, as the host of Good Day Live, World Wide News’ entertainment beat, to which he got demoted because of unproven accusations. While plot-wise, his cameo doesn’t add much, it fits naturally and completes his storyline.

Ana Leandro
