Illuminate Darkness with New Kingdom Hearts Light-Up Keyblades

9 months ago

Square Enix will be releasing two new Kingdom Hearts Keyblades that light-up on February 24, 2024. The light-up Kingdom Key Dark features a gold blade, gold keychain with the iconic Mickey Mouse emblem, and silver guard. The iconic Kingdom Key version features a silver blade, silver keychain, and gold guard. Within the pommel of the Keyblade is the battery port, and the switch to turn on the light is hidden on the underside of the guard. The light that comes out of the tip of the blade is shaped like a keyhole and is meant to replicate the iconography of unlocking and locking keyholes in the series. The light-up Kingdom Hearts Keyblades will cost ¥6,380 (~$43) each and do not include batteries.

Photos of the Keyblades can be viewed below:

[gallery columns="5" link="file" ids="982261,982262,982263,982264,982266,982267,982268,982269,982270,982272"]

Earlier in 2023, Square Enix released tons of other merchandise for the series including a vinyl boxset with 36 curated songs from the games, two music boxes, a $2,000 chair, and jewelry amongst other items. Kingdom Hearts 4 is currently in development. Missing-Link is also in development for mobile devices.

The Kingdom Hearts Light-Up Keyblades are available for pre-order from the Square Enix website and they will come out on February 24, 2024.

The post Illuminate Darkness with New Kingdom Hearts Light-Up Keyblades appeared first on Siliconera.

Arielle Haddad
