A free-to-play chicken game has reignited my passion for management games

2 years 9 months ago

Back in the day, I was quite partial to a strategy or management game. You'd find me hunched by the Dell home PC playing Age Of Empires, or my personal favourite, Populous: The Beginning. Clearly, my fledgling brain enjoyed playing God. Back then, something about birthing small followers and giving them axes and sending them off to chop wood was absolutely captivating.

Now, not so much. I don't really have an explanation, other than my patience for management games has shrivelled up considerably; where once that section of my brain was a vibrant pink sponge ready to absorb vast menus and numbers, it now resembles a dry raisin. I thought that no matter how hard I tried, it would never spring back to plump life. But having spent some time raising hens in Cheeky Chooks, I can feel the creases in my raisin unfurling.

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Ed Thorn