BAKOON's Top 10 Games of 2020

3 years 4 months ago
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BAKOON is Bay Area artist Oliver Leach. When he's not creating his art, he's being a good boy on Twitter and Twitch.

Hello again Giant Bomb readers.

A real stinkhole of a year, but it left a lot of time to stay inside and game. I found myself wanting to go back and finish things and series I hadn’t had time to get to yet, so apologies if this list isn’t all newer titles. My gamer's fancy goes where it likes and I have no choice but to follow it.


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Probably the best game last year, right? One of the best rogue-ish/like/whatever games ever I would say. Presentation was excellent, and mechanically it felt tuned extremely well. Reminded me of my favorite parts of great games--the incremental choices from Risk of Rain and the movement from Dead Cells/Galak-Z. Five on the GamePro fun factor meter.

Yakuza 4

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This game came out 10 years ago but it's one of the best games I played this year. I didn’t get around to Like a Dragon yet. Have been muscling my way back through the remasters. Single-player games you can take your time getting to them. Yakuza 4 has one of the best side/minigames in the series, a little sim where you build up a stable of MMA fighters. Training your beef boys in the ring and at the bar. Strategies in the ring and in the bedroom as well. People spit on it when it came out but it has only gotten better with age, I think.

Serious Sam

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I recognize that it is a game from the Bush years, but they put it out again this year, so lay off.

I still love the men with no heads that scream, run at you and then explode. The purity of it is admirable. Bless those Croatian dudes.

Dragon Quest XI

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Excellent Japanese role-playing game, the kind that I enjoyed in my youth. Extremely mindless, great art by Toriyama. All the edges have been smoothed down so it goes down easy, like a candy coated Advil.


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A very small game that I enjoyed a lot.

An intersection between Crimsonland and Time Clickers. If you know what I am talking about, you will say “hmm!” to this.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

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Falcom is triumphant. This was basically a really expensive Ys game. Can’t really judge it otherwise outside of being a product of nostalgia and it works really, really well on that front. Music was constantly surprising.
