The Witcher 3 Switch 3.6 Patch -- Update Adds Cross-Save With PC

4 years 3 months ago

Update: The Witcher 3 for Switch has now been updated to version 3.6 in the west, with full patch notes from CD Projekt Red. In addition to the PC save functionality, you can also use touch controls for the HUD and menu controls, and for playing Gwent. The full patch notes are below. Original story follows.

If you already have the PC version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt but want to play it on Nintendo Switch without losing progress, a new update could be the answer. A patch released in South Korea appears to have added cross-save with Steam alongside other graphical features, though there is no indication of when it will release elsewhere.

GameSpot has reached out to CD Projekt Red for clarification.

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Gabe Gurwin
