Ice-T Wants A New Def Jam Game For Next-Gen, As Do We All

3 years 10 months ago

Ice-T is known to be a big gamer, but he's only appeared in a few games himself. One of his most iconic appearances is in the Def Jam series, appearing in Def Jam: Fight For NY and its PSP spin-off Fight for NY: The Takeover. The Def Jam fighting series was beloved, and many people have called for its returning--and now Ice-T has joined their ranks.

Ice-T has tweeted out a photo of himself in-game, and said that he thinks that "they really need to reboot this game for the new consoles." With the PS5 and Xbox Series X on the way, we can't help but agree.

Whether or not this eventuates--or if Ice-T's tweet catches the attention of anyone in a position to get the ball rolling--remains to be seen, but Fight for NY was a pretty great game.

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James O'Connor
