E3 2020 May Live On As An "Online Experience"

4 years 2 months ago

E3 2020 has officially been canceled. The ESA, the company that organizes the annual gaming showcase, has confirmed it has decided to cancel this year's show over growing concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus. While the expo proper will no longer be taking place, however, the ESA says it is looking into a possible online alternative.

In a statement, the ESA said it is "exploring options with our members to coordinate an online experience to showcase industry announcements and news in June 2020." The organization didn't share any more details about this possible alternative, but it says further updates will be posted on the official E3 website.

Following the news of E3 2020's cancellation, Xbox boss Phil Spencer announced that Microsoft plans to hold an "Xbox digital event" in place of its annual E3 press conference. Ubisoft similarly announced that it is "exploring other options for a digital experience that will allow us to share all the exciting news we have planned."

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Kevin Knezevic
